Kalimatan - the Seal of al-Bukhari
Khafifatan `ala al-lisan, thaqilatan fi al-mizan
Subhanallahi wa bi hamdih, subhanallahi al-azim

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Himpunan Lagu-lagu Nasyid Seluruh Dunia
Balagha al-`ula bi kamalihi
Kashafa ad-duja bi jamalihi
Hasunat jami`u khisalihi
Sallu `alayhi wa aalihi
For his face, that shone like the sun and moon
For the smile, that lightened a darkened room
For his life, that turned night to brightest noon
Send peace on him and his family.
As his hands brought fragrance to all they touched
With a perfume sweeter than rose or musk
His remembrance perfumes the dawn and dusk
Send peace on him and his family.
For his hair, that shone ebony and black
That like streams cascaded towards his neck
For the seal of prophecy upon his back
Send peace on him and his family.
For his teeth, that shone with a diamond’s gleam
For his neck, like silver and ivory
For his wisdom, priceless beyond all things
Send peace on him and his family.
For his hands that toiled yet were smooth and soft
For his feet that swelled as he worshipped God
For the marks on his back that brought tears to Umar
Send peace on him and his family.
When his blessed body was pierced by rocks
With blood streaming forth, he gave this response
‘Oh Allah, forgive them, for they know not!’
Send peace on him and his family.
For his name is Ahmad and Muhammad
He is praised in heaven and praised on earth
Though no praise can reach to his true worth
Send peace on him and his family.
All who came to him were in awe of him
All who stayed with him fell in love with him
Oh! How fortunate to have been one of them
Send peace on him and his family.
amantu billahi wa mala’ikatihi
wa kutubihi wa rusulihi wa al-yaum al-akhiri
wa al-qadri khayrihi wa sharrihi min Allah
wa al-ba’si ba`d al-maut, la ilaha illa Allah
Faith is belief in Allah and the Messengers
The angels and the Final Day, and the holy scriptures
And to believe in destiny
That good and bad both come from Him
And the Resurrection; there is no god but Allah.
La ilaha illa Allah (x3), Muhammad Rasulullah
Allah is the creator of heaven and of earth
Nothing may compare with Him, He is the One alone
The prophets, best of humankind
Sent to all nations and all tribes
Last of all Muhammad, mercy to the worlds.
Formed of light and beauty, the angels of the Lord
To praise Allah, to help mankind,
Jibril brings the word.
The scriptures, all by Allah sent,
Torah, Psalms and Gospel then
The source of perfect guidance, the Glorious Quran.
The reckoning, the Final Day, when all will see their works
Remade in soul and body to stand before the Lord
With patience bearing every grief
With thankfulness for all blessings
We are content with destiny, the Will of Allah.
Faith is belief in Allah and the Messengers
The angels and the Final Day, and the holy scriptures
And to believe in destiny
That good and bad both come from Him
And the Resurrection; there is no god but Allah.
shakautu ila Waki` su’a hifdhi
wa arshada-ni an tark al-ma`asi
wa akhbara-ni bi anna ilman nur
wa nur Allah la yu`ta al-`as
The great Imam ash-Shafi’, he went to his teacher Waki`
Complaining about the weakness of his memory.
He told him, ‘abandon rebellion, for knowledge is a light
And the light of Allah is not bestowed upon a rebel.’
la ilaha illa Allah, wahdahu la sharika lahu
lahu al-mulku wa lahu al-hamdu, yuhyi wa yumitu
bi yadihi al-khayri wa huwa `ala kulli shayin qadir
There is no God but Allah.
He is One, He has no partner.
To Him dominion, to Him the praise;
He brings life, death and life again.
In His blessed hand is all goodness
And He has power over everything.
Subhan Allah, wa’l hamdu lillah
Wa la ilaha illa Allah
Allahu akbar wa la hawla
Wa la quwwata illa billah
All Allah’s creation glorifies Him
Infinitely perfect, beyond understanding
And though we cannot praise Him
As much as He deserves,
We say ‘glory to Allah, subhanallah!’
All praise is for Allah, exalted be He
He is worthy of all praise anyone could ever speak
In thankfulness for all the blessings He bestows
We say, ‘praise to Allah, al-hamdu lillah!’
There is none we worship except for Allah
There is none we yearn for except for Allah
It is the best remembrance – no god but Allah
Every moment in our hearts, we remember Allah
Allah is more exalted than heaven and earth
His pleasure more important than the greatest of rewards
Allah is greater than any praise we make of Him
So in word and deed and prayer we say, ‘Allahu akbar.’
Salla Allahu `ala Muhammad
Salla Allahu `alayhi wa sallam
ar-rahimuna yarhamuhum al-Rahman, tabaraka wa ta’ala
irhamu man fi al-ard, yarhamkum man fi as-sama
The people of love and compassion
Will receive the unending mercy
Of the all-Compassionate Lord of all
Blessed and exalted be He.
Be merciful, kind and compassionate
To all that dwell on the earth
And the One who is beyond the sky
Will be kind and merciful to you.
Our beloved master Muhammad
Was a mercy to all of the worlds
For bird and beast, for man and tree
His compassion embraced them all
Mercy is the way of our Lord
And of our beloved guide
May it be the heart and be the soul
Of every believer’s life
Bila telah tiba masanya…
Aku kan meninggalkan dunia…
Tubuhku.. terbaring kedinginan…
Menggigil.. hadapi ajalku…
Berpisah.. ruh dari jasadku…
Sakitnya.. tiada terhingga…
Saatnya.. ajal menjelma…
Akhir segala.. hidupku di dunia…
Usiaku.. semakin senja…
Usiaku.. semakin tua…
Ajalku semakin dekat…
Malaikat maut.. kan menjemput…
Berselimut.. kain kafan…
Jasadku terbaring kaku…
Tiada ada yang menolong…
Selain Engkau.. Oh ya Tuhanku…
Terlalu banyak berdosa…
Dalam sadar atau tidak…
Ku durhaka.. kepada-Mu…
Wahai Tuhanku.. ampunkan daku…
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